Orchids are amazing plants. There are over 25,000 orchid species known, and many more hybrids. With just a little knowledge, orchids can be surprisingly easy to grow.
An invitation is extended to members of the public to find out more about the Society and its activities by attending a meeting.
Meetings are held in the Uniting Church Complex Albert Street, Taree. on the 4th Tuesday of the month.
Meetings commence at 2.00pm
Activities include Guest Speakers, Monthly table show, Social Outings and activities.
Visitors are always welcome.
Manning River Orchid Society
In the mid 1950’s Mr. George Coleman a Taree businessman and landowner at Bulga, for some time had imported orchids from India in conjunction with Mrs. Kerr decided to seek support in forming an orchid society in Taree.
In August 1957 a meeting was called and the Manning River Orchid Society was formed. Mr. Jack Folkard was appointed President, George Coleman Secretary and Mrs. Simpson Treasurer. Mr. Dick Boyce as Publicity officer, a position he held for many years. Others present at this meeting or early meetings were Mr. Eric McGregor, Mr. and Mrs. Keith Folkard, Mr. and Mrs. Mick Wrigley, Mr. and Mrs. John Bury, Mr. Arthur Beal, Mr. Reg Dowling, Mrs. Marcia McCarthy, Miss Isabel Perrot, Mr. Bruce Johnson . Mr. Kerr an Mr. and Mrs. E Wedmore.